#120 …All the Marbles

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

This podcast carries less than $20, please don’t rob it! Tying into the surprisingly successful “Fighting with My Family”, it’s an 80s movie about wrestling ladies: …All the Marbles. Tripp uses the slang of the youth, Is Peter Falk a … Continued

#119 Dirty Dancing (CLIP)

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Out now for Patreon subscribers, it’s our live episode on Dirty Dancing, recorded at the Baltimore Podcast Festival! Get this, plus THREE other live episodes immediately when you sign up at the $5/month tier or higher. Support us on Patreon! … Continued

#116 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Cannon-uary continues with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, an almost-awesome sequel from Tobe Hooper! We join Stretch at a random radio station in rural Texas to maybe fall in love with Leatherface? Is Chop Top the most unsettling villain we’ve … Continued

#115 The Great Muppet Caper (Clip)

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

This is a snippet of our Great Muppet Caper live episode, recording in 2017 as part of the Philly Podcast Festival. We’ve hit $50 per month on Patreon, so this bonus episode is available to ALL Patreon subscribers! Visit Patreon.com/Dissectingthe80s … Continued

#114 Lifeforce

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Out-of-context-quote from this episode: “Hey, wanna do some sex stuff?” It’s Lifeforce on the opening version of Cannon-uary, our celebration of the 25th anniversary of the end of Cannon films! Is Naked Space Vampires a better title? Why is there … Continued

#113 Trading Places

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Happy New Year! We’re closing out 2018 with Trading Places, which ends with a wild New Year’s Eve Party! In this episode: Tripp tries to explain futures trading, the Duke brothers are pure evil, Jamie Lee Curtis wears many wigs, … Continued

#112 A Smoky Mountain Christmas

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

It’s Christmas, and Dolly Parton kinda-sorta has a movie on Netflix, so we watched A Smoky Mountain Christmas! Why is magic actually for real real in this movie? Why is the witch named Jezebel? Why are there so many orphan … Continued

#111 Purple People Eater

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

It’s a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater, and it’s barely a movie! Why doesn’t anyone freak out about Purple? Why is NPH so into 50s rock-and-roll? Does anyone else know about Sheb Wooley? Why is the bad guy a … Continued

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