#57 Swamp Thing

posted in: Episodes, Season 3 | 0

To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Dr. Strange, we headed into the swamps in search of a stranger hero: Swamp Thing! Out-of-context episode quote: “When did I miss the part where someone writes a theme song for the character in … Continued

#56 Chopping Mall

posted in: Episodes, Season 3 | 0

Rounding out the 2016 Spooktacular is Chopping Mall! Why aren’t these killbots equipped with cleaning equipment? Who wants to have a sex party in a furniture store? Why are the characters SO stupid? Out-of-context quote of the episode: “Stop, drop … Continued

Andrew Talks Directing, A Very Special DT80s #2

Tripp interviews Andrew about directing “Noises Off” for the SALT Performing Arts in the second Very Special Dissecting the 80s! (Photo belongs to SALT)   http://media.blubrry.com/dissecting_the_80s/ia601505.us.archive.org/3/items/AndrewDirecting/AndrewDirecting.mp3 “NewsSting, Ouroboros” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

#55 April Fool’s Day

posted in: Episodes, Season 3 | 0

SPOOKTACULAR 2016 begins with April Fool’s Day, a prank-filled twist of a movie! Warning: Spoilers here and in this episode! This movie could be much more fun if you go in not knowing anything. In this episode: Tripp and Andrew … Continued

#54 MacGyver S3E6 GX-1

posted in: Episodes, Season 3 | 0

Tripp and Andrew are joined by Brian Durkin, host of Full Belly Laughs to discuss MacGyver’s Russian adventure on a technological snafu-filled episode! In this episode: an experimental plane, a psychic, hot air balloons galore, casual misogyny, duct tape boots … Continued

#52 Dissection: The Goonies

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

To celebrate our second anniversary, we created a fully scripted radioplay version of NPR’s Radiolab! Featuring a slew of Goonies easter eggs, we talked about the kid’s adventures as an in-universe radio program. We hope Jad Abumrad is impressed and … Continued

#51 Streets of Fire

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

In this episode: A criminal lack of Jim Steinman, some aggressive rain sounds, awkward discussion of racial slurs, Willem Dafoe in perhaps his best role of all time, a terrible Liam Neeson impression, a LOT of music clips and two special guests: Chris Long and Zeluis Teixeira!

#50 She-Devil

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

Dissecting the 80s hits its 50th episode! In this episode: Tripp sounds like a robot facsimile for some unknown reason, Andrew keeps confusing Meryl Streep and Roseanne Barr, Tripp confuses Rick Rude for Rick Martel (he’s deeply apologetic), there’s like, … Continued

#49 Ghostbusters II

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

COMING OUT A FEW DAYS EARLY to celebrate the Ghostbusters reboot, Tripp and Andrew strapped on their proton packs and tackled the albatross of the Ghostbusters franchise: Ghostbusters II! How did AN ENTIRE CITY forget what happened in the first … Continued

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