#113 Trading Places

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Happy New Year! We’re closing out 2018 with Trading Places, which ends with a wild New Year’s Eve Party! In this episode: Tripp tries to explain futures trading, the Duke brothers are pure evil, Jamie Lee Curtis wears many wigs, … Continued

#111 Purple People Eater

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

It’s a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater, and it’s barely a movie! Why doesn’t anyone freak out about Purple? Why is NPH so into 50s rock-and-roll? Does anyone else know about Sheb Wooley? Why is the bad guy a … Continued

Patreon Preview: Top Gun!

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

It’s a snippet of our 2016 live episode from the Philly Podcast Festival: Top Gun! https://media.blubrry.com/dissecting_the_80s/ia601507.us.archive.org/24/items/P2TopGun/TopGunSnippetFinal.mp3 Hear the rest at Patreon.com/DissectingThe80s! “NewsSting, Ouroboros, Wish Background, Jingle Bells Calm” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Keywords: Top … Continued

#110 Punchline

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Happy T.Hanksgiving! We’re celebrating with Punchline, which turns 30 this year! Why is Tom Hanks such a jerk? What’s the deal with Sally Fields dream, and why does it seem so out of left field? Why are these “comedians” not … Continued

#109 Rocky 3

posted in: Episodes, Season 5 | 0

Creed 2 is about to hit theaters, so we’re getting into the ring with Rocky once more in Rocky 3! Why is EVERYTHING wrestling? Is Rocky the secret bad guy in this movie? How bad is Paulie? (Very.) The Brotherhood … Continued

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