#38 Sudden Impact

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

Tripp and Andrew continue FOURBRUARY by squinting into the middle distance with Clint Eastwood in Sudden Impact! Is Clint Eastwood Secretly a Muppet? Why are there dog farts in this movie? Why isn’t it called Dirty Harriet, and why is … Continued

#37 Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

FOUR-BRUARY returns with Andrew’s pick: Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes! Who the hell decided to write a whole movie about an evil lamp? Just what was Patty Duke’s character’s name? Would you buy this lamp? Why did the brother find every … Continued

#36 Youngblood

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

Tripp and Andrew get frosty with Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves in 1986’s Youngblood! Has this writer ever seen a hockey game before? How much hair product was needed to keep their locks a-flowing? Does Andrew know less about … Continued

#35 Young Sherlock Holmes

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

To celebrate the return of Sherlock, Tripp and Andrew took on Young Sherlock Holmes! Is Sherlock the ULTIMATE Mary Sue? Is Watson secretly Jeff Rubin? Is this the worst fake ice in cinema history? Has all of Dissecting the 80s … Continued

#34 Prancer

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

Tripp and Andrew get into the Christmas spirit with 1989’s Prancer! Sam Elliot makes his triumphant return to the show, and with him, the return of Mom’s Mancrush Minute. Plus, is Abe Vigoda alive? Is this secretly a horror movie? … Continued

#32 Volunteers

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

To celebrate T.Hanksgiving, we welcome Tom Hanks to the show with Volunteers! Just how old is national treasure John Candy? Is blue blood Tom Hanks better than every-man Hanks? How many cigarettes were consumed in this film? Did Gedde Watanabe … Continued

#31 A View to a Kill

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

To celebrate the release of SPECTRE and all things James Bond, Tripp and Andrew dive into one of the many, many low points of that series with Roger Moore: A View to a Kill! Just how misogynist is this film? … Continued

#30 Friday the 13th III

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

We cap off SPOOKTACULAR 2015 (NOW IN THREE DEEEEE) with Friday the 13th Part III! Is Shelly the most annoying character in cinema history? Just how many people can comfortable sleep in a hammock? Has there ever been more useless … Continued

#29 Back to the Future II

posted in: Episodes, Season 2 | 0

Tripp and Andrew Celebrate #BTTF2015 with a celebration of the series and Back to the Future II in particular! Why didn’t Thomas F. Wilson get more work? Are the McFlys the most important family in the universe? Hear Andrew discuss … Continued

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